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What's A Fear Jar?

Releasing fear is really this simple: Get a Fear Jar.

I suppose the idea has lived in my subconscious for a very long time, because going through #BePrettyBrave Idaho retreat images, I found this tip jar from an evening we were all out dancing to live music on a pier, eating tacos and drinking beer. We were salty, dirty and physically exhausted from a long hike. There were happy people all around us.

And then this profound tip jar.

"If you fear change, leave it here."I've been using a Fear Jar, since motherhood. Since becoming a mama, so many fears have entered into my life--food allergies, career, Corona, relationships, losing myself. I started writing down my fears on paper. I'd fold the paper and place it in a simple ball jar, my "Fear Jar," that I keep in my cabinet. When I place the paper in the jar, I visualize the jar carrying the fear for me.

I know this sounds silly, but it works for me: I picture the jar as my Divine postwoman, delivering my message to God. "Please, hold this for Emily right now. It is very heavy. It is very scary. It is not helping."I close my eyes and take five deep breaths. Anyone has time to take five breaths. I feel my shoulders relax. My chest softens. And I've given (mailed?) my fear to my Higher Power.

The last fear I placed in my jar was, "I feel forced to go down this specific path to publish my book. It feels scary. I'm not sure it's the right path for me, yet. Can you please hold this for me? I've been having a lot of anxiety around this right now. I could really use a fun break."

Photo Mary Beth Koeth

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