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My Top Nutritious On-the-Go Summer Snack

Summer is a time when we find ourselves running around outside more and spending less time indoors. We're walking, swimming, and playing on the beach (if we're lucky!). My purse or backpack is always stuffed with nutritious snacks since my child is a voracious animal and I love to munch of goodies with him. Now that Ollie's eating a lot more, I like to diversify my snacks so he's getting a bunch of nutrient rich food for his brain and bone health.

One of my favorite summer snacks is the Health Warrior Caramel Sea Salt chia bar. This bar is a perfect on-the-go snack since it's packaged and won't melt (or get sand in it!). It's full of brain-boosting Omega 3s, protein and fat*. These nutrients are essential for all human functions. Don't let the diet and deprivation mindset scare you this summer. Remember, it's a season of rejuvenation, not deprivation. You're perfect, just the way you are.20% off all Health Warrior purchases with "PrettyBrave20".

Full disclosure: I make $5 for every new sale using this code.*Make sure to check ingredients for allergies. I always recommend checking with your pediatrician before giving any new food to your child.

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