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All Foods are Superfoods

All foods are superfoods...I’ve been feeling this sentiment A LOT lately.

Over the past five years, the wellness industry and trendy diet books have steered me to believe that some foods and diets are better than others. Açaí is better than blueberry. Coffee without grass-fed butter or adaptogens isn’t complete. Almond milk is better than dairy milk. The truth is, every food has superpowers. One is not “better” than the other.

Each food has its own healing powers and nutrition that serves a specific purpose.

I spoke candidly with my OB yesterday about feeding my son. I asked her about formula vs. breast milk and cooking the baby’s food vs. prepared food."Doc, I’ve gotten so many great but differing opinions from my gfs on this subject. What do you think?"She looked at me and said, “fed is best.”She’s also the same doctor that told me not to worry about how much weight I gain during pregnancy and to let her do the worrying. Phew! 😅I just LOVE women (and professionals!) that support the higher goal: feed yourself. Feed your baby. Forget the pressure that society places on “breast is best.”Before the conversation ended, she added, “What if your breast milk doesn’t come in as soon as your baby’s born? Your baby will be pissed if he can’t eat!” and we laughed because...I/we/all of us can relate!🤣👍🏻

Just sending a message to all of you that wellness is different than well-being IMO. Don’t let an industry or diet trend steer your opinions and choices about what you and your baby eat. Don’t be ashamed to employ the philosophy of, “fed is best” throughout your life. We’re all doing the best we can. I’m on this journey with you to unlearn what is untrue. Remember, all foods are superfoods! Comment if you’re with me and share the last thing you ate! 👊🏻#beprettybrave

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